
Daily Planner, Day Planner Work, Week Planner, Printable 7 Day Planner

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Daily Planner, Day Planner Work, Week Planner, Printable 7 Day Planner


Daily Planner, Day Planner Work, Week Planner, Printable 7 Day Planner

Planner size standard  (A7)

Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to print the files correctly.

or you can convert it to image.


- Always Choose Actual Size or Scale to 100% in the Page Sizing & Handling Section.

- Choose Auto portrait/landscape under Page Orientation section.

- For duplex printers, if you choose portrait you should flip along the long edge and if

you choose landscape you should flip along the short edge. Some printers have a

problem with this section and it may require choosing a few settings that will work.

- Preview of the insert before printing should show it in the center of the page. If it is

showing it in the any corner, it is because you have chosen a setting that is causing it

to do that.

- Please keep the file open on your computer to keep track of the page numbers

when you are folding and cutting according to the lines.


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110 KB
7 pages
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